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1 stay /ˈsteɪ/ verb
stays; stayed; staying
1 stay
stays; stayed; staying
Britannica Dictionary definition of STAY
[no object] : to continue to be in the same place or with the same person or group for a period of time : remain
: to continue to be in a specified state, condition, or position : remain
[no object]
[linking verb]
[no object] : to live in a place as a guest for a short period of time
[+ object] : to give a legal order that stops or delays (something)

here to stay

see 1here

stay away

[phrasal verb]
: to not go near someone or something
usually + from

stay in

[phrasal verb]
: to stay inside or at home instead of going out

stay off

[phrasal verb]
stay off (something)
: to avoid (something)
: to not go on (something)

stay on

[phrasal verb]
: to continue to work at a job
stay on (something) : to continue taking (a medication, drug, etc.)

stay out

[phrasal verb]
: to avoid going into (a place)
often + of
stay out of (something) : to avoid becoming involved in (something)
: to spend time away from home

stay over

[phrasal verb]
: to sleep at another person's house for the night

stay put

see 3put

stay the course

: to continue with a process, effort, etc., even though it is difficult

stay the night

: to sleep at another person's house for the night

stay tuned

see 2tune

stay up

[phrasal verb]
: to continue to be awake past the time when you usually go to bed

stay with

[phrasal verb]
stay with (someone)
◊ If something from the past stays with you, you remember it and it continues to influence or affect you in some way.
stay with (something) : to continue using or doing (something)
stay with (someone) : to go or make progress at the same rate as (someone) : to keep even with (someone) in a race, competition, etc.
2 stay /ˈsteɪ/ noun
plural stays
2 stay
plural stays
Britannica Dictionary definition of STAY
: an occasion in which you spend time at a place as a guest or visitor
see also short-stay
: a legal order that stops or delays something
compare 3stay
3 stay /ˈsteɪ/ noun
plural stays
3 stay
plural stays
Britannica Dictionary definition of STAY
: a rope or wire that supports a pole, a ship's mast, etc.
: a piece of stiff plastic, bone, etc., that provides shape to a piece of clothing
compare 2stay