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1 snake /ˈsneɪk/ noun
plural snakes
1 snake
plural snakes
Britannica Dictionary definition of SNAKE
: an animal that has a long, thin body and no arms or legs see also garter snake, rattlesnake
chiefly US, informal : a bad person who tells lies and betrays other people
: a long thin tool that is used to clear out blocked pipes
called also plumber's snake

— snakelike

/ˈsneɪkˌlaɪk/ adjective [more snakelike; most snakelike]
2 snake /ˈsneɪk/ verb
snakes; snaked; snaking
2 snake
snakes; snaked; snaking
Britannica Dictionary definition of SNAKE
: to move like a snake : to follow a twisting path with many turns
[no object]
[+ object]