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1 homestead /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd/ noun
plural homesteads
1 homestead
plural homesteads
Britannica Dictionary definition of HOMESTEAD
: a house and the farmland it is on
US : a piece of government land that a person could acquire by living on it and farming it when the western part of the U.S. was being settled
2 homestead /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd/ verb
homesteads; homesteaded; homesteading
2 homestead
homesteads; homesteaded; homesteading
Britannica Dictionary definition of HOMESTEAD
: to settle on government land and farm it
[no object]
[+ object]

— homesteader

/ˈhoʊmˌstɛdɚ/ noun, plural homesteaders [count]