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1 craft /ˈkræft/ Brit /ˈkrɑːft/ noun
plural crafts
1 craft
/ˈkræft/ Brit /ˈkrɑːft/
plural crafts
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAFT
[count] : an activity that involves making something in a skillful way by using your hands
[count] : a job or activity that requires special skill
crafts [plural] : objects made by skillful use of the hands
see also arts and crafts
[count] plural craft
: a usually small boat
: an airplane, helicopter, or spacecraft see also hovercraft, landing craft
2 craft /ˈkræft/ Brit /ˈkrɑːft/ verb
crafts; crafted; crafting
2 craft
/ˈkræft/ Brit /ˈkrɑːft/
crafts; crafted; crafting
Britannica Dictionary definition of CRAFT
[+ object]
: to make or produce (something) with care or skill

— crafter

noun, plural crafters [count]