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1 bug /ˈbʌg/ noun
plural bugs
1 bug
plural bugs
Britannica Dictionary definition of BUG
[count] chiefly US, informal : a usually small insect
often used before another noun
[count] : a usually mild illness (such as a cold) that can be passed from one person to another
[count] : a problem that prevents a computer program or system from working properly
[count] : a small hidden microphone that is used to secretly listen to and record people : listening device
the bug informal : a sudden, strong interest in a particular activity
2 bug /ˈbʌg/ verb
bugs; bugged; bugging
2 bug
bugs; bugged; bugging
Britannica Dictionary definition of BUG
[+ object] informal : to bother or annoy (someone)
[+ object] : to put a hidden microphone in (a room, telephone, etc.) in order to secretly hear what people are saying
[no object] of the eyes : to stick out more than is normal especially because of surprise or fear usually + out
see also bug-eyed

bug off

[phrasal verb] US, informal
: to go away used in speech as a rude or angry way to tell someone to leave you alone and to stop bothering you

bug out

[phrasal verb] US, informal
: to leave quickly see also 2bug 3 (above)