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January 28, 2020 Word of the Day

dependable /dɪˈpɛndəbəl/ adjective
The woman is buying a dependable new car.
The woman is buying a dependable new car.
Definition of DEPENDABLE

[more dependable; most dependable]

: able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed : able to be depended on

  • The old well is a dependable source of water. [=there is always water in the old well]

  • a dependable [=reliable] old car

  • He's the team's most dependable [=consistent] player.

— dependability /dɪˌpɛndəˈbɪləti/ noun [noncount]

  • the car's proven dependability [=reliability]

— dependably /dɪˈpɛndəbli/ adverb

  • a plant that will bloom dependably [=reliably], year after year

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