An Encylopedia Britannica Company

March 29, 2017 Word of the Day

dispose of /dɪˈspoʊz əv/ phrasal verb
dispose of
/dɪˈspoʊz əv/
phrasal verb
The child is disposing of the container.
The child is disposing of the container.
Definition of DISPOSE OF

[phrasal verb]

1 dispose of (something)

a : to throw (something) away : to get rid of (something)

  • The waste was not properly disposed of.

  • Please dispose of your cigarette butts in one of the ashtrays available.

b formal : to deal with and finish (something)

  • I have some business to dispose of [=(less formally) wrap up, take care of] before we meet.

c law : to give control or ownership of (land, possessions, etc.) to someone

  • A will is a legal document that is used to dispose of property.

2 dispose of (someone or something)

a : to defeat (a person or team) in a game, contest, etc.

  • She easily disposed of her opponent.

b : to kill (a person or animal)

  • The article includes a list of the weapons the soldiers used to dispose of their enemies.

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