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1 rig /ˈrɪg/ verb
rigs; rigged; rigging
1 rig
rigs; rigged; rigging
Britannica Dictionary definition of RIG
[+ object]
: to control or affect (something, such as a game or election) in a dishonest way in order to get a desired result
compare 3rig

— rigged

2 rig /ˈrɪg/ noun
plural rigs
2 rig
plural rigs
Britannica Dictionary definition of RIG
: equipment or machinery that is used for a particular purpose
US : a large truck that is attached to a trailer
: the way the sails and masts are arranged on a ship or boat
3 rig /ˈrɪg/ verb
rigs; rigged; rigging
3 rig
rigs; rigged; rigging
Britannica Dictionary definition of RIG
[+ object]
: to build or set up (something) usually quickly and for temporary use
see also jerry-rigged, jury-rig
: to place (something) in the proper position for use
: to provide (a boat or ship) with ropes, sails, etc.
: to provide (someone or something) with particular clothing or equipment usually + out
: to put something secretly in (a place) usually + with
compare 1rig