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1 pencil /ˈpɛnsəl/ noun
plural pencils
1 pencil
plural pencils
Britannica Dictionary definition of PENCIL
: an instrument used for writing and drawing that has a hard outer part and a black or colored center part
often used before another noun
see picture at office; compare pen
2 pencil /ˈpɛnsəl/ verb
plural pencils US penciled or British pencilled US penciling or British pencilling
2 pencil
plural pencils US penciled or British pencilled US penciling or British pencilling
Britannica Dictionary definition of PENCIL
[+ object]
: to draw or write (something) with a pencil

pencil in

[phrasal verb]
pencil (someone or something) in or pencil in (someone or something)
: to put (someone or something that may be changed later) on a schedule, list, etc.
sometimes used figuratively