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1 negative /ˈnɛgətɪv/ adjective
1 negative
Britannica Dictionary definition of NEGATIVE
[more negative; most negative] : harmful or bad : not wanted
opposite positive
[more negative; most negative] : thinking about the bad qualities of someone or something : thinking that a bad result will happen : not hopeful or optimistic
opposite positive
: expressing dislike or disapproval
opposite positive
: showing or talking about the bad qualities of someone or something
[more negative; most negative] : expressing denial or refusal
opposite affirmative
mathematics : less than zero
opposite positive
: less than the amount of money spent or invested
opposite positive
: containing or producing electricity that is charged by an electron opposite positive
: having more electrons than protons opposite positive
: not showing the presence of a particular germ, condition, or substance
opposite positive

— negatively

2 negative /ˈnɛgətɪv/ noun
plural negatives
2 negative
plural negatives
Britannica Dictionary definition of NEGATIVE
: something that is harmful or bad
opposite positive
: a word or statement that means “no” or that expresses a denial or refusal see also double negative
: an image on film that is used to make a printed photograph and that has light areas where the photograph will be dark and dark areas where the photograph will be light
also : the film that has such an image
compare positive
: the result from a test that shows that a particular germ, condition, or substance is not present
opposite positive

in the negative

: with a reply that means “no”
compare in the affirmative at 2affirmative