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1 meet /ˈmiːt/ verb
meets; met /ˈmɛt/ ; meeting
1 meet
meets; met /ˈmɛt/ ; meeting
Britannica Dictionary definition of MEET
: to see and speak to (someone) for the first time : to be introduced to or become acquainted with (someone)
[+ object]
[no object]
: to come together in order to talk : to go to a place to be with someone else
[no object]
[+ object]
[no object] : to come together formally : to have a meeting : to come together for a discussion
[+ object]
: to see (someone) by chance
: to come near (someone or something) as you are passing by
: to face each other in a game, competition, war, etc.
[no object]
[+ object]
: to touch and join with or cross something else
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object]
: to be equal to (something) : to match (something)
: to succeed in doing or providing (something)
: to reach (something, such as a goal)
: to succeed in doing what is required by (something)
[+ object]
: to experience or be affected by (something bad or unpleasant)
: to deal with or face (something) directly
◊ When two people's eyes meet they look directly at each other.
[+ object] : to be sensed by (the eyes, ears, etc.)

make ends meet

see 1end

meet (someone) halfway

: to reach an agreement with (someone) by giving up something that you want : to compromise with (someone)

meet up with

[phrasal verb]
meet up with (someone) informal
: to come together with (someone) : to go to a place to be with (someone)

meet with

[phrasal verb]
meet with (someone) : to come together with (someone) to talk about something : to have a meeting with (someone)
meet with (something) : to have or experience (something)

meet your maker

see maker

more than meets the eye

see 1eye

— meeter

noun, plural meeters [count]
2 meet /ˈmiːt/ noun
plural meets
2 meet
plural meets
Britannica Dictionary definition of MEET
chiefly US : a large gathering of athletes for a sports competition
called also (British) meeting
see also swap meet
British : an event or occasion when people come together to hunt foxes