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cat /ˈkæt/ noun
plural cats
plural cats
Britannica Dictionary definition of CAT
: a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet often used before another noun see also tomcat
: a lion, tiger, leopard, or similar wild animal
old-fashioned slang : a man see also fat cat, hepcat, scaredy-cat

Cat got your tongue?

used to ask someone why he or she is not saying anything

curiosity killed the cat

see curiosity

fight like cats and dogs

see 1fight

let the cat out of the bag

: to reveal a secret

like something the cat brought/dragged/drug in

◊ If you look or feel like something the cat brought/dragged/drug in, you are very dirty or untidy.

like the cat that ate/got/swallowed the canary

(US) or British like the cat that got the cream
used to say that someone looks very proud or satisfied about something he or she has done

Look what the cat dragged in!

used to call attention to someone who has entered the room or area

rain cats and dogs

see 2rain

the cat's meow

(US) old-fashioned + informal or the cat's pajamas or British the cat's whiskers
used to say that someone or something is very appealing

— catlike

/ˈkætˌlaɪk/ adjective