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1 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adjective
1 due
/ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/
Britannica Dictionary definition of DUE
not used before a noun : required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time
often followed by to + verb
not used before a noun
: expected to be born
: expected to give birth
not used before a noun : having reached the date by which payment is required
not used before a noun used to say that someone should be given something or has earned something
always used before a noun : appropriate or proper

due for

: needing, requiring, or expecting something to happen

due to

: because of (something)

in due course

see 1course

with (all) due respect

see 1respect
2 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ noun
plural dues
2 due
/ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/
plural dues
Britannica Dictionary definition of DUE
dues [plural] : a regular payment that you make to be a member of an organization
[noncount] : something that someone should be given : something that a person has earned
◊ People use the phrase to give someone his/her due when they are going to say something good about someone they have criticized.

pay your dues

: to work hard and have difficult experiences in order to become successful
3 due /ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/ adverb
3 due
/ˈduː/ Brit /ˈdjuː/
Britannica Dictionary definition of DUE
: directly or exactly followed by north, south, east, or west