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1 desert /ˈdɛzɚt/ noun
plural deserts
1 desert
plural deserts
Britannica Dictionary definition of DESERT
: an area of very dry land that is usually covered with sand and is very hot
often used before another noun
see color picture on this page
[count] : a place or area that does not have something interesting or important
see also deserts
◊ Do not confuse desert with dessert.
2 desert /dɪˈzɚt/ verb
deserts; deserted; deserting
2 desert
deserts; deserted; deserting
Britannica Dictionary definition of DESERT
[+ object] : to go away from (a place) : to leave (a place)
[+ object] : to leave and stop helping or supporting (someone or something)
[+ object] of a useful quality or ability : to no longer be with (someone) in a time of need
[no object] of a soldier : to leave the military without permission and without intending to return

— deserted


— desertion

/dɪˈzɚʃən/ noun, plural desertions