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1 chuck /ˈtʃʌk/ verb
chucks; chucked; chucking
1 chuck
chucks; chucked; chucking
Britannica Dictionary definition of CHUCK
[+ object] informal
: to throw or toss (something)
: to get rid of (something) sometimes + out see also chuck out (below)
: to give up (something)
often + in
: to touch or tap (someone) in a light and gentle way

chuck out

[phrasal verb]
chuck (someone) out or chuck out (someone)
: to force (someone) to leave
see also 1chuck 2 (above)
2 chuck /ˈtʃʌk/ noun
plural chucks
2 chuck
plural chucks
Britannica Dictionary definition of CHUCK
[noncount] : a piece of beef that comes from the area of a cow's neck and shoulders
[count] : a part of a machine that holds something so that it does not move see picture at carpentry